I have myself an e-matrix a few months ago 530/40-Turbokarte with
16MB-32bit-FastRam gotten. Since I use these however, stores
me FW no more ASCII-Files.
After clicking of the exports... -Buttons goes that in fact
Fileauswahl-Requester on, but he/it is empty, should be called, I don't can
Selects, in which format I want to store the File. Sometimes
quite strangely appearing Hiroglyphens also stand in the Requester.
But even if I click on these then, garnichts does itself. For me,
as stinknormalen users, it looks like an Adressierungsproblem
I have already tried out all possible matters, like for example
- Caches/Burst ein/-ausschalten,
- VBR into the FastRam and again out,
- MMU aus/-einschalten,
- CopyMem an/aus, etc. But nothing helps.
Hab' then Spasshalber once my old Blizzard again installed, and
see there, it works again.
Blizzard again out, e-matrix purely and nothing goes.
Solution of Dirk Neubauer - 02.02.98:
I had a similar problem once. I had one 1220/4 of Phase5
and used FW3. As I installed a Blizzard 1230IV, I had in FW
also no more ASCII-export, there, only hieroglyphics stood, sometimes
the export now worked out however however. As a result, I simply have FW again
install and the 1230 Patch also still. Now I had no problems
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